
Monday, September 17, 2012


谭佩仪 !!!你是吗?我不是已经答应过自己,要活得快乐吗?
怎麽啦?! 心情跌到谷底了,谁能来救我?这种感觉很不好受,已经很久没有这种感觉过,怎麽它要回来找我?不可以!真的不可以那样!每个人都有自己的情绪,这我懂,所以我每天都告诉自己,谭佩仪,要乖乖,哭过就好了,什麽事情都可以解决,只要用时间,就会没事了。:’) 好了好了, 够了够了,真的够了再这样伤心下去,我会累垮了。
笑一笑吧!傻婆!每天只能这样安慰自己!是!我是真的每天都把笑容挂在嘴边, 那就代表我真的快乐吗?哈哈!可笑的是,我连自己也不懂。。。笑吧,明天会更好的!:D

Monday, September 3, 2012

Uncomfortable day

Today when i woke up , I feel today is totally bad for me . I also don't know why will feel that , the feeling is too uncomfortable for me . Keep thinking something about my future ? Keep thinking someone ? Or keep thinking nothing whole night ?
Insomnia is really suffer to me . I miss last time when I'm suffer , my lovely sis sure will be my good listener and keep cheer me up . But now , no more , I need a people to comfort me when I'm sad , I need a people sharing my happiness when I'm happy . Nowadays just keep all the secret inside my mind . It's okay , that's my bad habit . But I should listen what Mr.Phong has told me , must change the bad habit , so I should do it well . Bad habit please run far away from me ! Don't come back to me anymore !
Bad Mood , Bad Habit ! Please don't kacau me again ! 
Start from tomorrow , will be another day ! I will happy always !

Friday, October 7, 2011

When Friends Hurt and Friendships Harm

Entering into a Friendship opens the door for hurt and harm; a harmful friend or a toxic friendship can be one of life's hardest relationship tribulations to forgive and forget. Toxic friends often come back to haunt you for a long time.

The User as a Toxic Friend:
This person only has friends as long as he/she can use them for some purpose or goal of his/her own. This person could be the most harmful of toxic friends.

The Betrayer as a Toxic Friend:
Nothing hurts more than a friend who betrays you. The betrayer is truly a toxic friend.

The Control Freak as a Toxic Friend:
The control freak is a friend as long as she/he is in control. The control freak often seems to be helping you. Refuse that help or break that control and find out what toxic friendship really means.

The Judge as a Toxic Friend:
Ever judgmental, ever critical, this friend can erode your self-esteem. The judge is a fault finder. You can rarely do anything completely right with this toxic friend.

The Promise Breaker as a Toxic Friend:
This person rarely does what he says he will do. If you have a date, your toxic friend is often a no-show. A general lack of dependability makes this person a toxic friend.

The Gossip as a Toxic Friend:
The gossip will eventually betray your trust and become a toxic friend. Gossips are easy to spot so beware your friendships with them.

The Self-Centered Person as a Toxic Friend:
Self-centered people can't think of you as they are too busy thinking of themselves. They make toxic friends.
The Competitor as a Toxic Friend:
The competitor is always looking to be "one up." Although some competitiveness is normal in friendships, too much competition makes a toxic friend.

Again, no can always avoid a toxic friend. But often to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
The Leaner as a Toxic Friend:
The leaner is a very needy friend who
clings and may be at your doorstep every day. He/she usually wants all of your time and jealousy often enters the picture in this friendship. 

                 我看透了这残酷的世界 !!!! HURT so BAD !!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm feeling sad , I'm feeling tired on everything , It's a hard feeling and I hate this feeling enough ! It is bored ! It's a boring life for me ! Who knows ? Haizz , actually I don't like to think too much , but I can't control myself , when the hard feeling come to find me , I can't stop it and I can't call it run far away  from me , IT REALLY CAN'T ! CAN'T GONE ! How bad ? It's really hard hard hard and hard ! Sometime really feel want to DIE  , but CAN'T  ! Cause I'm not selfish , I LOVE MY FAMILY , THEY LOVE ME TOO , so just  견디다 ( ENDURE ) .
 Stress ! ! ! Always be with me when I don't need it ! :'(  Exam coming soon , it's so stress for me , when everytime exam coming , it's so stress and I feel so down .  
I HATE EXAM ! ! !    


Thursday, August 18, 2011

완전히 기분이 좋지 않은 상태에서 :'(

기분이 좋지 않은 상태에서 . . .
최근 난 정말 내 자신이 싫어 . . .
전 쓸모 없어요 . . . 
나는 멍청이다 . . . 

 I'm SAD . . .
 I'M USELESS ! ! ! 
 Only Tears can EXPRESS my feeling . 

Friday, July 22, 2011


Seem like my tears want to fall down now , what you have scolded me just now , that's was HURT ! I knew , you care about me , I REALLY KNEW IT ! But that's really is myself problem , not because of anyone , is myself want to do it , I didn't say I won't accept what you have told me , I ACCEPTED IT ! You are right , no wrong at all , wrong that person is ME ! IS ME ! AMY TAM ! Sorry that i made you angry with me , I knew you care me , love me , JIMUI ! I REALLY GET IT ! SORRY ~ I'M SO SORRY ~ Please forgive me , I don't hope we will quarrel because of someone else , REALLY DON'T HOPE WILL HAPPEN ALWAYS ! I will change my attitude , MY BAD ATTITUDE , I knew you care me because don't want let me get hurt from someone , you always say don't be so serious on someone who not really treat me good or some bad guys who always hurt girl , I GOT IT ALL ! I GOT HEARD IT ! I HAVE ALREADY PUT IN MY HEART ! I WILL BECAREFUL , I WILL PROTECT MYSELF , WON'T LET YOU WORRY ABOUT ME , I PROMISE YOU ! REALLY ! SINCERE ! please forgive me and sorry , really sorry ~ PLEASE FORGIVE ME , MY FAULT ! REALLY IS MY FAULT ! :(

Thursday, June 2, 2011


小心翼翼 牵我手
其实是担忧 藏不住我
自尊也投降 活在她之下
我 好傻
字字句句说 不爱她
那又是什么 让害怕
我疑惑但是原谅 因为留下
我 好傻
原来 想像那么爱我
的存在 让我更寂寞
寸步不离 像天使的她
挥霍我的爱 从不放心上
我有一丝无奈 也有一些明白
该 放开
原来 想像那么爱我
爱我别再说 假装爱那是撒盐在伤口
啊~~ 谁说我不在意空等候
原来 从来都深刻爱我
想像爱我 ~